

An accident involving a Bread Selling Hyundai Urvan with Registration Number GW 992-09 has left two students of the Gomoa Mozano Senior High School (SHS) in critical condition and five others injured.

The incident occurred after Gomoa Eshiem Akwambo festival, where seven students from Gomoa Mozano Senior High School joined residents of Gomoa Eshiem on a night float.

Per reports, the accident happened at Gomoa Eshiem to Gomoa Kokofu road and around one of the river bodies on the road.

According to sources, the joy after festive atmosphere quickly turned somber as the Hyundai Urvan ran over the students, resulting in severe injuries. Two students are currently in critical condition, while five others sustained various injuries.

Sources also proves that, it was the 4th time the youth at Gomoa Eshiem decided to embark on a night float. The first 2 was a success while they had issues in the 3rd and 4th one.

Michael Arthur, the Assemblyman for Gomoa Eshiem, confirmed the unfortunate incident. He revealed that all seven students who were affected by the accident are currently receiving medical treatment at the Agona Swedru Government Hospital.

In response to the incident, the driver of the Hyundai Urvan has been arrested by the Agona Abodom District Police Command to assist in the ongoing investigation.


Cc’ Scamper


Kobby MadeIt is a Ghanaian blogger, artists manager, radio presenter and business man. CEO of MadeIt Records. A musical record label situated in Accra

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