
I Was Born Into Abject Poverty; Slept On Benches – Sandra Sarfo Ababio

Actress, Sandra Sarfo Ababio has opened up on a personal chapter of her life, where she endured extreme poverty and hardship.

Contrary to the extravagant life she currently lives, Sandra said she was born into abject poverty, so extreme that their next meal was always uncertain.


Her father, without a stable job, and her mother, working as a petty trader, faced the challenge of making ends meet and providing basic needs and security for their four children.

Sandra vividly recalled the constant movement from one home to another, and the only decent house they ultimately landed after years of struggle was a single room with a small porch.

She detailed how that the small porch served as a makeshift stall for the things they sold, and other times, it was their sleeping place.

To contribute to the family’s income, Sandra hawked various groceries which earned her the nickname “queen mother of tomatoes.”

With teary eyes, Sandra opened up on how miserable they became during rainy seasons as their roof heavily leaked.

At one point in her life, they had to live in a wooden structure where they continued to sleep on benches or the bare cold floor.

Despite facing daunting challenges in her formative years, she went on to become a successful actress and TV host kind courtesy recommendation by thespians Delay and actor, Kwadwo Nkansah (Lilwin).

Sandra Sarfo Ababio used the opportunity to remind her fans of the need to persevere and work hard, adding that it is possible to overcome adversity and achieve one’s dreams.


Kobby MadeIt is a Ghanaian blogger, artists manager, radio presenter and business man. CEO of MadeIt Records. A musical record label situated in Accra

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